Pictured: Christina Ferrari, Sasha Abayeva, and Catherine Flanagan
San Jose, CA (January, 2019) - Eight students from Tim Morehouse Fencing Club participated in the San Jose Junior World Cup, a foil tournament featuring Junior events. TMFC fencers won a Top-8 Medal and achieved two Top-16 finishes in this competition.
Our three Junior Women’s Foil Fencers achieved great results. Catherine Flanagan won a Top-8 Medal, coming in 8th place out of 52 fencers. Sasha Abayeva came in 31st place, and Christina Ferrari came in 44th place.
TMFC’s Junior Men’s Foil fencers also achieved impressive results in their event, with all five of them placing in the Top-32. Nestor Levin came in 9th place out of 60 fencers, Yiming Han came in 16th place, Zachary Binder came in 20th place, Lucas Lutar came in 21st place, and Finn Hossfeld came in 22nd place.
Bravo everyone!
Full Results: https://fencingtimelive.com/tournaments/eventSchedule/46CF072B0FAD4587B5EDAD1A9412A42D#today