Terms of Service

Terms of Service and Code of Conduct
(Last Updated: June 15, 2024)


These "Terms of Service" and Members "Code of Conduct" outline the rules and procedures for contract and non-contract members of Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (hereafter "the Club").

The Club reserves the right to update these Terms of Service and will inform members accordingly. The Terms of Service are divided into the following sections:

​​By becoming a member of Tim Morehouse Fencing Club, you agree to adhere to these Terms of Service and Code of Conduct. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to maintaining the Club’s high standards.


  1. Program and Pricing Overview (2024-2025)

  2. Official Notifications: In Writing, Member Request Form or Self-Serviced
    (Verbal Requests are not official)

  3. Cancellation Policy

  4. Pausing, Converting, or Transferring Services

  5. Refund Policy

  6. Billing and Fees

  7. Safety Rules

  8. Conduct Policy

  9. Equipment and Dress Code

  10. Media Release

  11. Private Lesson Requirement

  12. Tournament Coaching

Reviewing these Terms of Service is crucial to ensure the effective operation of the Club. As a member, you agree to abide by the rules and policies outlined herein.

1. Program Details and Pricing (Overview)

There are 5 types of service categories offered by the club:

  1. Group Classes

  2. Private Lessons

  3. Small Group Training Sessions

  4. Camps

  5. Tournament Coaching

Group Class Programs

We offer three payment plan options for group classes:

  • Monthly Unlimited Classes

  • Annual Unlimited Classes

  • Flex Membership Packs (Pay Per Class): For clients attending classes 1-2 times per week

Monthly and Annual Unlimited Class Memberships

  • Monthly Unlimited Membership: Unlimited access to all classes within your program for a recurring monthly subscription fee.

  • Annual Unlimited Membership: Unlimited access for a full year, often at a discounted rate compared to the monthly plan. These can only be purchased in September of the new season.

Flex Membership Packs

  • Flex Membership Packs: Purchase a set number of sessions usable for both classes and private lessons. Maintain a regular class schedule of 1-2 recurring classes per week.

Program Pricing (2024-2025)

Class Membership Programs



Monthly Contract


Pay Per Visit (1-Class/Week or 2-Classes/Week)

Little Squires




3 Squires Classes ($225)





3 Squires Classes ($225)





Flex Membership Packs

Youth Champions




Flex Membership Packs





Flex Membership Packs





Flex Membership Packs

Competitive Elite




Flex Membership Packs

Flex Membership Program



10 Flex Sessions


30 Flex Sessions


50 Flex Sessions


Private Lessons (Class Member Program Pricing)



10 Private Lessons


30 Private Lessons


50 Private Lessons


Additional Benefits and Policies

Make-Up Sessions for Private Lessons

  • Monthly/Annual Members: Entitled to 4 make-up private lessons per year if canceled within 24 hours.

  • Flex Members: Must adhere to a strict 24-hour cancellation policy with no make-ups.

Cancellation Policy

  • Flex Pack Members: Must cancel classes or lessons at least 24 hours in advance to avoid being charged. No make-ups or exceptions.

Class Scheduling Policies

  • Recurring Class Schedule: All members must maintain a recurring class schedule. This includes students on Flexible Membership plans.

Payment Options for Group Class Programs

  • Monthly and Annual Unlimited Class Memberships

    • Monthly Unlimited Membership: Unlimited classes within the group class program band, and pending availability, for a recurring monthly subscription fee, billed every 28 days.

    • Annual Unlimited Membership: Unlimited classes within the group class program band, and pending class availability, often at a discounted rate compared to the monthly plan.

  • Flex Membership Packs

    • Flex Membership Packs: Pay per class but Flex Members must still keeps regular recurring class schedule if they wish to participate. Packs expire after 6 months.

Group Class Membership Programs

  • Non-Refundable and Non-Transferable: Annual class memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable.

  • Usage Period: All sessions must be utilized within the school year.

  • Group Class Membership Conclusion: Annual memberships terminate on the final day of classes off the current school year.

Injury Policy

  • Memberships remain valid in the event of injury. Injured students are encouraged to switch to Flex packs for flexible attendance options.

Responsibility to Terminate

  • Monthly Members: Notify the Club before the next billing cycle and complete the cancellation form to avoid additional charges.


  1. Developmental Programs

  2. Competitive Elite PRogram

Developmental Programs for Youth, Teen, and Adults

Student Levels

  • Beginner

  • Intermediate

  • Beginning to Compete

Developmental Programs Include

  • Little Squires (ages 3-4)

  • Squires (ages 5-6)

  • Musketeers (ages 7-8)

  • Youth Champions (ages 9-12)

  • Teens (ages 13-18)

  • Adults (ages 18+)

Recommendations for Students

  • First-Year Students: Attend group classes twice per week, take 1-2 private lessons per week, and compete in club tournaments every two months.

  • Second-Year Students: Transitioning to competitive level, attend group classes 2-3 times per week, take 2-3 private lessons per week, and compete in regional events.

Competitive Elite Programs

For students committed to competing regularly, with classes broken down by weapon, age, and level. General categories include:

  • Youth Elite (Ages: 9-12)

  • Cadet/Junior/Senior Elite (Ages: 13+)

  • Advanced Elite (Rating of C and Above)

Competitive Program Recommendations

  • Group Classes: Attend 3-5 group classes per week.

  • Private Lessons: Take 2-3 private lessons per week.

  • Small Group Elite Training Sessions: 1-2 times per week (by invitation).

  • Competing at Tournaments: 1-2 times per month.

  • Essential Elite Camps: Winter Elite Camp, Pre-National Camps, Sleep-Away Camp, and Pre-Season Camps.

Major National Tournaments

  • Junior Olympics (Cadets/Juniors) - February

  • Division 1 Championships - April

  • Summer Nationals - Early July

Unlimited Class Programs


  • Unlimited Classes: Attend an unlimited number of class sessions throughout the school year.

  • Private Lesson Discount: Eligible to purchase private lessons at discounted rates.


  • Program Category: Clients can attend unlimited classes within their membership category.

  • Non-Refundable and Non-Transferable: Annual class memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Reminders (2024-2025)

  • Private Lesson Packs: Expire 12 months after purchase.

  • Flex Packs: Expire 6 months after purchase.

  • Starter Packs: Expire 28 days after purchase.

2. Official Notifications and Communication:
Self-Service, Member Request Form or In Writing

It is the Club's policy that any schedule changes, billing questions, or other matters be self-serviced online by the client or put in writing to info@timmorehousefencing.com or submitted through our member action/request form to be considered official.

  • Official Communication: Written communication to info@timmorehousefencing.com is the only accepted method for official matters requiring action by our office and administrative staff. Policy communications or changes will also be sent from this email address and will be considered official only if in writing.

  • Validity: Information from the Club is considered official only if received in writing from info@timmorehousefencing.com. Verbal communication or texts to coaches or staff directly are not recognized as official

  • Phone or In-Person Conversations Are NOT Valid: Any discussion with staff must be documented in writing to info@timmorehousefencing.com to be considered valid.

3. Cancellation Policy

A 24-hour cancellation policy applies to all sessions, including private lessons, classes, camps, and group sessions. There are no exceptions, even for accidents or illness, to protect our coaches and their schedules.

  • Advance Cancellation:
    o cancel without penalty, complete the following steps at least 24 hours in advance:

  • Late Cancel Dispute: If you believe a late cancellation was made in error, submit a dispute request to info@timmorehousefencing.com within 14 days, demonstrating an attempt to cancel before the 24-hour window.

  • Coaches: Cannot cancel sessions for you within 24 hours to protect their schedules. They can schedule free make-up sessions for Group Class Members 3x per season (Sept to June)

  • Please review the specific cancellation policies for the program you have selected later in this document.

4. Converting or Transferring Memberships & Services

Memberships and packages are non-refundable and non-transferable. They cannot be converted into any other type of service for any current or future Club member.

  • Active Membership: You must be an active paying member to utilize member-priced/discounted services.

  • Expiration of Lesson/Flex Packs:

    • Private lesson packs expire 12 months from the purchase date.

    • Flex packs expire 6 months from the purchase date.

    • Starter Packs after 1 Month

  • Season Definition: September 2024 (or join date) through June 2025.

  • Class Contracts:

    • Requests to change your class contract must be received before the next billing date.

    • No Pro-Rates: Make up missed classes or lessons within the package/membership window.

  • Group Class Program Expirations (End of Season)

    • All class programs expire on the final day of the school season. Unused classes can be attended in the final weeks.

    • This does not apply to private lessons and flex packs.

5. Refund Policy

There are no refunds for membership fees or purchased services, including classes, lessons, camps, tournaments, and coaching travel. Services are non-transferable.

  • Non-Communication: No refunds if you stop attending without informing us in writing 7 days before your next billing cycle.

Class Programs (Monthly and Annual)

  • There are no Refunds for annual memberships. These are final sales. 

  • Monthly Memberships once billed are final sale.

  • Both of these are non-transferable to other services.

  • Flex Programs: Sales are final and these are non-transferable.

Sleep Away Camp

There is a $500 Camp Deposit Fee that will be deducted from what you’ve paid if you request a refund before June 1.

Between June 1 and July 15 we can provide a 50% refund. After July 15, there are no refunds since we will have made full payment to the school for all registered campers.

There are no exchanges or credits for sleep away camp. Additionally, if you attend any part of camp it is non-refundable and no credits will be allowed.

Winter Camp

You may request a refund before December 1.

After December 1, there are no refunds.

If you attend any part of camp, the purchase is non-refundable and no credits will be allowed for any days missed. There are no exceptions, including in the case of illness or injury.

Summer Day Camps

Day Camp (Weekly)

  • $250 deposit fee deducted per week before May 15

  • No refunds after May 15

    No Refunds for Gold Season Pass and Gold Summer Pass

6. Billing and Fees

Members are responsible for the accuracy of their schedules and billing information.

  • Account Access: https://www.timmorehousefencing.com

  • Up-to-Date Billing: Ensure billing information is current. Declined payments incur a 10% fee or $30, whichever is greater.

  • Payment Requirement: Payment must be on your account prior to attending any service. Sessions will be canceled if there is no payment within 24 hours of the upcoming visit.

  • No Service Without Payment: CLIENTS CANNOT PARTICIPATE IN A LESSON OR CLASS WITHOUT PAYMENT BEING MADE PRIOR TO THE SERVICE: We will generally notify several days in advance if there are no sessions remaining and if payment is not made then the session will be canceled.

  • Late Pick-Up Fees:

    • $20 for 10+ minutes past the end time.

    • $40 for 30+ minutes past the end time.

    • $75 for 60+ minutes past the end time.

  • Billing Mistakes: Submit an email to info@timmorehousefencing.com with details. The Club will correct validated mistakes.

    • Non-Errors: Missing a session without canceling online or not informing us in writing about stopping attendance is NOT a billing mistake.

  • Attendance Corrections: Address issues within 14 days for potential correction.

  • Billing Audits: 45-day limit for billing audits.

Member Responsibilities

Members are responsible for managing their accounts online, including canceling sessions 24+ hours in advance, scheduling sessions, checking billing, updating email addresses, and account information. Self-service is encouraged for efficiency and accuracy.

Staff Assistance

Staff will assist with:

  • Logging into your account

  • Canceling or scheduling recurring sessions

  • Addressing billing questions

  • Assisting with late cancellations

  • Answering questions and connecting members with coaches

7. Safety Rules

The safety and well-being of our students is our number one priority. All members are responsible for each other’s safety. Fencing is an extremely safe sport, and our safety rules are designed to maintain a safe and orderly environment for all members.

  • Always follow the instructor’s directions regarding safety.

  • No fencing without a mask or pointing a weapon at someone who is not wearing a mask.

  • Students must wear all proper equipment correctly to fence.

  • Students must walk (not run) with their blade pointed at the ground.

  • Students cannot put on their mask while holding their blade.

  • Students must "unhook" and "hook up" at the end of the strip during electrical bouting.

  • Students should be mindful of others when getting dressed.

  • No walking behind a lesson or bout that is in progress.

  • Fencing equipment must be stored safely where no one can step on it.

  • No hard hitting or dangerous fencing allowed. Violators will be asked to leave, suspended, or have their membership terminated for repeated issues.

  • Students must stop immediately when “Halt” is called.

  • Repeated safety violations will result in sitting out from classes/lessons and may lead to expulsion from the Club.

9. Conduct Policy

At TMFC, we strive to maintain a positive and welcoming community where all members and guests feel comfortable and respected. The Club holds itself and its members to high standards of conduct. What might be acceptable elsewhere may not be here.

  • Respect: All TMFC members are expected to conduct themselves with respect, honor, and integrity in all their actions on and off the fencing strip. This includes respect for clubmates, competitors, referees, coaches, staff, parents, and oneself.

  • No Discrimination or Bullying: Discrimination, bullying, or mistreatment based on race, gender, or sexual orientation is not allowed.

  • Best Effort and Following Directions: Students must always give their best effort at practice and follow the coaches' directions and Club rules.

  • Personal Responsibility: Students should take responsibility for their actions and focus on areas within their control, without blaming others for defeats.

  • Open Communication: If you have questions about coaching methods, decisions, or other concerns, please contact us to discuss them. We are always available to explain and address any issues.

Specific Conduct Expectations

  • Entering and Leaving Class Early or Late: Inform a coach before class if you need to leave early, specifying the time of departure. Do not leave the fencing room without permission.

  • Arguing and Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Arguing over matches or displaying unsportsmanlike conduct (e.g., dropping/slamming equipment, cursing, yelling) is not tolerated.

  • Removal from Class: The Club reserves the right to remove any member from class who does not display sportsmanlike conduct.

  • Parent Conduct During Class: Parents must notify office staff if they wish to speak to their child during class. They cannot walk onto the floor, coach their child, or interfere with the class in any way. Parents may not use Club technology without permission. Violators may be barred from practices.

8. Equipment and Dress Code

  • Trial Lesson Equipment: Sanitized masks and weapons are provided for trial lessons. Clients must acquire their own masks, gloves, and weapons for private lessons and classes, including a white jacket and cords.

  • Youth Students: Must have their own mask, glove, weapon, cords, and white jackets. The Club allows borrowing of electric jackets in the youth program.

  • Elite and Adult Programs: Students must have fencing pants and their own electric jackets.

  • Competitive Students: Must have their own fencing pants and equipment.

  • Bouting: Students must wear all protective fencing equipment.

  • Lockers and Storage: Rent a locker for gear storage. Equipment left outside lockers will be put in lost and found for seven days, after which it will be discarded or donated. TMFC is not responsible for any unlabeled equipment.

  • Rental Equipment: Rental is generally not available. In specific circumstances, items can be rented for $5 each.

  • Dress Code for Practice: Students must wear athletic sneakers, long athletic pants, and a t-shirt or long sleeve shirt. No jeans, shoes, or other non-athletic attire allowed.

  • Dress Code for 13+ Classes: Full uniforms, including knickers, underarm protectors, and 800 Newton Gloves, are required.

9. Media Release

By agreeing to the Terms of Service, you grant TMFC permission to use images (photographs and/or video) for promotional purposes on social media, the website, email blasts, newsletters, and general publications. You can request removal of photographs by emailing info@timmorehousefencing.com.

10. Private Lesson Annual Requirement

New students must purchase at least one starter pack of private lessons (4 lessons) or a flex pack before transitioning to a non-lesson plan. 

11. Tournament Coaching and Billing

Tournament coaching is mandatory for designated tournaments. Members will be billed for location, regional, and SYC tournaments the week prior based on registrations. If you do not attend, you will still be billed unless removed prior to the billing date. National tournaments are billed within 7 days of the close of registration.

  • Coaching at International Tournaments: Request coaching 30 days prior. Fees will be split among students requesting coaching.

  • Tournament Coaching Cancellation Policy: If you do not attend or cancel within 7 days, you will still be billed. Cancellations more than 7 days in advance will not incur charges.

  • Coaches Traveling to Tournaments: Substitute coaches or make-up lessons will be arranged. Notify the Club within 48 hours if the proposed time/coach doesn't work. Make-up missed lessons as per the selected weekly number.

Tournament Rules of Conduct and Expectations

  • Arrival: Arrive one hour prior to the start time and participate in the Club warm-up session.

  • Designated Club Area: Remain in the designated area when not fencing.

  • Equipment: Bring all necessary tournament equipment.

  • On The Strip: Ensure timely presence at matches.

  • Coaching: Coaches will attend as many bouts as possible. A 4-1 or 5-1 ratio of students to coaches is aimed for.

  • Start Together and Finish Together: Stay at the tournament for a minimum of 3 hours and support clubmates.

  • Parent Conduct: Parents should not coach or talk to referees. Violations can result in removal from the venue and future tournaments.