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Not Just Medals. The Importance of Celebrating The "Hidden Wins" in Sports.

Building Champions Starts with Character and Mindset

In the journey of a young athlete's development, victories come in various forms, both public and hidden. Public victories, symbolized by medals and trophies, are built on a foundation of thousands of daily "hidden wins." These hidden wins—mastering a new skill, overcoming obstacles, maintaining effort, and showing resilience—are the true secret to high performance.

As coaches and parents, it is essential to celebrate these everyday victories. Acknowledging small wins fosters a positive environment, encourages continuous improvement, and keeps motivation high. By recognizing private victories, we can truly appreciate the significance of public ones. Each practice, each effort, each moment of perseverance contributes to the larger goal. Celebrating these daily achievements builds confidence, momentum, and teaches the importance of the journey, not just the destination.

The most valuable lessons our most successful students have learned often come at tournaments where they didn’t win medals and had to handle disappointment or challenges.

One of the most important things we need to celebrate is the hidden win of “Owning Responsibility”. Owning responsibility for outcomes is one of the most difficult thing for young athletes, even adults(!) to do, but perhaps the biggest hidden win and the true secret to success. When students focus on external reasons for their performance, they miss the opportunity to improve.

Taking responsibility for their outcomes sets students up for success. Our most successful fencers ask themselves: What did I do well? What could I have done differently? Where am I scoring my points? Where am I losing my points? This self-reflective conversation is an essential win that must happen at every tournament.

If the focus is on external factors like the referees calls, a “bad” draw, how the tournament is run or how a certain coach is letting us down then a student will be destined for feelings of frustration and have no productive outlet. When the post game process is focused on, “What can I do better?” then you will see a successful athlete in the making. And, coaches and parents should ALWAYS celebrate that conversation when a young athlete has it. That is a BIG HIDDEN WIN.

Here is a list of some of the things that we can celebrate which will set us up for long-term success:

Personal Growth: Celebrating improvements in skills, knowledge, or personal development.

  1. Effort and Dedication: Recognizing hard work, perseverance, and consistent effort, even if the desired outcome wasn’t achieved.

  2. Teamwork and Collaboration: Acknowledging effective teamwork, cooperation, and collaboration within a group or team.

  3. Milestones: Celebrating reaching significant milestones or goals along the way to a larger objective.

  4. Creativity and Innovation: Applauding creative ideas, innovative solutions, and new approaches to problems.

  5. Overcoming Challenges: Celebrating the ability to overcome obstacles, setbacks, or difficulties.

  6. Improvement and Progress: Recognizing gradual improvements and progress in any area, whether personal, professional, or academic.

  7. Positive Attitude and Sportsmanship: Valuing good sportsmanship, positive attitudes, and ethical behavior.

  8. Community and Support: Celebrating the support and contributions of the community, family, or friends.

  9. Resilience: Honoring the ability to bounce back from failures or disappointments.

Each of these items can be an opportunity for recognition and celebration, fostering motivation and a positive mindset.

It may be surprising for some to hear, but one of the reasons our program has been so successful at "winning medals" is because we genuinely care about cultivating the proper habits, mindsets, and character that lead to long-term success. We focus on these foundational elements, knowing that they are the true keys to achievement.

As coaches and teachers, we must always strive to acknowledge and celebrate the hidden wins that pave the way for public victories. Emphasizing responsibility, perseverance, and a "make it work" mindset ensures that our athletes not only succeed in competitions but also develop into well-rounded individuals. Recognizing these daily, unseen achievements builds a positive environment that supports continuous improvement and sustained excellence.

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Experience the thrill of fencing at Tim Morehouse Fencing Club, conveniently located on both the east and west sides of Manhattan. Our club boasts a track record of success, with countless kids discovering their passion for fencing and developing into exceptional fencers under our guidance. With expert coaching, state-of-the-art facilities, and a supportive community, Tim Morehouse Fencing Club offers an unparalleled experience for young athletes. Whether your child is a beginner or a seasoned fencer, our programs cater to all skill levels and ages, providing personalized instruction and opportunities for growth.