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competitive fencing

Tim Morehouse Fencing Club Foil Program Excels at Neil Lazar RYC/RJCC!

This past weekend, the foil fencers from Tim Morehouse Fencing Club delivered an exceptional performance at the Neil Lazar RYC competition, showcasing their skill, determination, and hard work. Under the expert guidance of Coaches Slava Grigoriev, Mohamed Essam, and Eddie Grigoriev, our fencers stood out among the competition, earning medals in an impressive eight events. Their dedication and teamwork continue to elevate the TMFC standard, proving once again why we are a force to be reckoned with in foil fencing in the New York City metro region and beyond.

Y14 Women’s Foil: Anastasia Roberts (5th) Kai De Castro (8th)

Cadet Men’s Foil: Ethan Chen (Silver), Luca Ghedini (5th)

Y12 Men’s Foil: Misha Grigoriev (6th)

Junior Women’s Foil: Ella Zhu (Silver)

Y10 Men’s Foil: Ziyue Lin (5th)

Junior Men’s Foil: Jonah Lee (Bronze)

Cadet Women’s Foil: Amabel Wang (Silver), Eleanor Li (Bronze)

Y12 Women’s Foil: Ella Zhu (Bronze), Amelia Youm (5th)

We’d like to extend a huge congratulations to all of our foil fencers on their impressive showing in Connecticut and we look forward to their successes that will follow in the rest of the season!

Tim Morehouse Fencing Club’s Saber Fencers Shine at Neil Lazar RYC/RJCC

This weekend, Tim Morehouse Fencing Club’s saber fencers showcased their talent and hard work at the Neil Lazar RYC/RJCC tournament. The event was a great success, with several of our athletes earning top positions and demonstrating the dedication they've put into their training. We’re so excited to have started the 2024-2025 season with more than a dozen medals across all events! Below are the medalists from each saber event:

Y12 Women’s Saber: Charlotte Choi (5th)

Y14 Men’s Saber: Marcus Pinto (Gold), Aram Clark (Bronze), Miles Chambers (7th)

Junior Men’s Saber: Matthew Fields (Bronze) Connor Chung (7th)

Y12 Men’s Saber: Miles Chambers (Gold), William Lucas (Silver) Aidan Song (Bronze)

Junior Women’s Saber: Brynnley McKee (5th)

Y10 Women’s Saber: Nia Maluki (Gold), Chloe Chen (Silver), Anika Von Marie Kabiling (5th)

Cadet Men’s Saber: Christopher Ao (8th)

We’d like to give a shoutout to not only our medalists but ALL of the fencers who represented Tim Morehouse Fencing Club on the regional stage this past weekend. As we celebrate the outstanding achievements of our saber fencers at this early-season competition, we are filled with excitement for what's to come. With Premier ROC coming up this weekend, we know our athletes are more motivated than ever to build on their success and continue making us proud. Here's to even more incredible performances and bringing home more medals as the season unfolds. Go TMFC!


All the bouts fenced, win-loss and event entry totals by TMFC student’s since the club opened in December, 2015 until May, 12, 2019.

All the bouts fenced, win-loss and event entry totals by TMFC student’s since the club opened in December, 2015 until May, 12, 2019.

The above graphic is a summary of almost every bout ever fenced by anyone ever representing Tim Morehouse Fencing Club since we first opened our first club in Manhattan in December, 2015.

I started out thinking about this solely as a tournament’s article but it also got me thinking about the financial impact our club has had on the sport with so many new members that are competing.


  • 2931 Tournament Entries: If an athlete spends an average of $60 per tournament entry fee, it means TMFC families collectively have spent over 175,000 on entry fees over the past 4 seasons and $85,000 this season alone.

  • Do # Competitors and Results Correlate? The increase in entries did correlate to an increase in medal results. This season TMFC won the SYC medal count for the first time (Top 55 Competitive Saber Clubs 2018-2019). However, I don’t necessarily think the # of entries will necessarily mean better results. Our pool and DE % has remained relatively the same as the number of entries has increased.

  • WIN-LOSS %: Has held relatively steady even with the increase in competitors which for us has come from new fencers taking their first competitive steps. Our “more experienced” fencers improved their results while new fencers are taking their first steps of winning 1-3 pool bouts in their first 10 tournaments.

  • The Pool win-loss % and DE win-loss % are relatively similar for the club overall.

  • Next steps for me are to break down the win-loss record and % by age category, # of years competing and we also look at things by coach within these sub-group

Screen Shot 2019-05-13 at 3.39.10 PM.png
Broken down by Pool and DE Record.

Broken down by Pool and DE Record.

The data
includes every local tournament, regional, national and international tournament that our fencers have fenced in over the past four years. The results do not include NCAA fencing results.

The results are only from tournaments where student’s were representing TMFC.

My professional background included four years on staff at Teach For America where data-driven was a way of a life. Everything that was a key metric for success had to be measured and analyzed. All goals had to be measurable, progress was tracked and any conversation about next steps and improvement was grounded in what the data was telling us. I saw amazing results and progress when this was done well with teachers and students.

For someone like myself who was training for the Olympics, being at an organization with clear and measurable goals helped me to thrive and I always felt a key thing missing from my own Olympic fencing career was the type of powerful data that could help me make better decisions on the strip and off.

So, Tim Morehouse Fencing Club’s ingredients are a mix of our coaches fencing knowledge, a data-driven teaching pedagogy and a values driven approach to the lessons we teach and how they could impact students beyond the fencing strip.

Welcome To MORE-HOUSE!